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Ingredients Claims & Labels

Better understand common misperceptions about ingredients, claims, and food labels to make informed nutrition choices.

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  • Sweet Taste and Sweeteners

    Most of us like sweet taste, but what do we know about sweet taste and low-calorie sweeteners? Does eating or drinking sweet tasting things (with or without calories) cause an individual to prefer more sweet foods and beverages? Are low-calorie sweeteners an effective tool to substitute for sugars in foods and beverages? Watch the video to learn more.


    Key Topics Covered
    • Low-calorie sweeteners 
  • Word on the Sweet: Low-Calorie Sweeteners

    Low-calorie sweeteners undergo rigorous safety evaluation and can be helpful in managing calorie intake and blood glucose levels, making them a useful tool for weight management and diabetes control. Despite their potential benefits, there are many common myths and misperceptions about them. Understanding the facts about low-calorie sweeteners can help consumers make informed choices about including these sweeteners in a balanced diet.


    Key Topics Covered
    • Low-calorie sweeteners
    • Nutrition myths & facts
  • The Scoop on Added Sugar

    While current dietary guidelines recommend limiting added sugar to <10% of your total daily calories, most of the US consumes more than this. Review this added sugar guide to learn how to consume added sugars in moderation, while maximizing nutrition.

    Key Topics Covered
    • Sugar
    • Nutrition tips 
    • Dietary Guidelines
  • Food Additives: A Quick Guide

    Food additives are ingredients added to the food during processing to help maintain or improve nutrition, food safety, freshness, taste, texture, or appearance. Without them, there would be several major consequences affecting the quality or quantity of our food supply. Review the food additives quick guide to learn all about the most common types of food additives, their purpose, and which types of foods they are usually found in.


    Key Topics Covered
    • Food additives
    • Food processing
  • Fast Facts About Nutrition Facts Panels

    The nutrition food label provides essential information about the nutrients in packaged foods to help empower consumers make more informed, healthier choices. Learn more about the key components of a nutrition facts label, including the serving size, calories, nutrients to consume more of (like fiber and vitamins), nutrients to limit (such as added sugars and sodium), and percent daily values, which show how a serving of food fits into your overall daily diet. 


    Key Topics Covered
    • Food labels
    • Nutrition tips
  • Let’s Talk about GMOs

    GMOs (genetically modified organisms) are a hot topic when deciding which foods to consume. Learn about what genetic modification really means, the most common GMO crops in the U.S., and what the optional, third-party non-GMO project verified certification is. Also review the four common myths about GMO foods and how to address them using scientific evidence.


    Key Topics Covered
    • Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
    • Product claims
    • Nutrition myths & facts
    • Managing misinformation
  • Clearing Up Common Misperceptions About Organic Foods

    You have probably noticed some products on the grocery shelf have an “organic” claim on their package, but do you know what this claim means?  This resource describes the four different levels of organic certification as well as some clarification of common misperceptions about organic foods using facts and scientific evidence. Being more aware about why consumers may choose organic products and what potential benefits these products do or do not provide, can help consumers make more informed decisions about purchasing these products. 


    Key Topics Covered
    • Organic
    • Product claims
    • Nutrition myths & facts 
    • Managing misinformation
  • Tips for Misleading Product Claims

    Misleading product claims often involve health fraud, like false promises or quick fixes, or misdirected health claims, such as exaggerated benefits that aren’t supported by scientific evidence. Review the two types of nutrition misinformation and our list of key tips for identifying and managing these claims. Understanding these common misleading claims helps consumers make informed product choices based on scientific evidence.


    Key Topics Covered
    • Food labels
    • Product claims
    • Managing misinformation